
Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy’

this time of year

ah yes June is beautiful, the sun is shining, everything is growing like mad, there’s enough sport on tv to keep someone like me on the very edge of sanity for a whole month. This month I’ve had all I can take of football and we’ve not hit the knockouts yet 😥 At least that will mean less games….

Anyway, anyway. This time of year creeps up on me, Violet’s birthday and all those memories. I have learned to buy her presents in May when I can be excited about her upcoming festivities and her wheel turning again, because June always brings all the memories of her arrival.

I have learned that if we must go to Truro in June/July then it is best to take back ways, cos even if I feel fine when I leave the house, I tend to blub all the way there. Whatever distraction I try, still I relive that journey up to day assessment and the end of my pregnancy. And no amount ‘oh but look at your fabulous big girl now!’ changes that.

The sunny mornings make me think of all the sterilising and expressing……the massive amounts of rain we had that year interspersed with hot, humid days…..the dragonfly outside my hospital window……the smells, the uniforms, baby’s crying, sleeping during the day, waking in the middle of the night…….so many little things that can transport me straight back to that week in an instant, just because it’s June again.


August 15, 2009 Leave a comment

Posted 15/8/09

Hi girls, Jo is being sectioned at 9am today. She’s been understandably upset overnight and the consultants offered to deliver her baby girl then but she’s held off to let the steroids take effect properly. She says that baby should weigh about 750g which is about 1.7lbs and that everything looks fine with bubs.

She thanks everyone for their kind thoughts and wants everyone to know that she really does appreciate it. She’s gutted about the fact that no matter how well things go this morning, she’ll still have to leave hospital without her baby again (like she had to with Violet).

Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for her. (((hugs))) to Jo and her family! 

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to


August 14, 2009 Leave a comment

Posted 14/8/09

Hi girls, Jo, (pixiejo) has messaged me asking to update you all on her…. she has been in all night, has had a scan. Baby is measuring 25 weeks and Jo is 29 weeks just now. The blood flow is looking good so Jo has been told that they will section her tomorrow at the latest. She is absolutely gutted and is missing all the support from everyone on here…

Please join me in sending all your love and best wishes right now to Jo.



(edited from original post to remove other peoples details)
originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Off to day assessment, seems to be the day for it :(

August 13, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 13/8/09

Hey lovely ladies,

I know I’ve complained on here earlier about bump being quiet, I haven’t had any movement at all today and the magic glass of cold water has done nothing so I’m off to be strapped to a bed til they find out whats going on in there. Fingers crossed baby is just hiding from me or something, my it#’s easier to type positive than feel it huh?bleugh what a crap day.

Right must try and find a baby sitter can’t be monitored and chase Violet at the same time.

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

anyone else have a quiet baby?

August 13, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 13/8/09

Ah insomnia! How I hate half 5 in the morning! Suppose I should get used to it tho

Hope everyone else is well, and ideally not awake yet too! Just wondering really whether anybody else out there has a quiet baby? I’ve spent the last week or so (probly longer!) fretting and worrying cos baba has got all quiet only for my midwife to be totally unconcerned. She rhymed off a load of reasons of why it could be without actually making me feel any better about it, like baby facing the wrong way and comfy/running out of room/having a growth spurt. I am still getting 10 movements a day, but there are much more pushes and stretches and little scratchy feelings with the occasional poke here and there sort of round the edges of my bump. I miss the belly wobbling kicks I thought by 29 weeks I’d be being assaulted from inside!

I did have a section last time and still can’t feel a wide strip across the outside of my belly, would that make a difference on the inside too?

Think I may just go and buy a doppler, hanging around waiting for baby to kick is starting to do my head in!

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

reduction in movement, help! Anyone up?

August 6, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 6/8/09

MOrning ladies,

Trying not to get myself all in a tiz, but teeny bump has been really quiet over the last 24 hours, I have still had movements but not many, all really down low and if I wasn’t anxiously waiting for each one I probably wouldn’t notice them at all 😦 She’s been getting gradually quieter over the last week, but only in the strength of movement rather than the amount. She normally starts booting me at about 9pm, I got nothing last night, no matter how much ice cold water or prodding I drank, didn’t feel a thing til after 11pm. I have had movements this morning,. but like I say really feathery nudges down low, a bit like going back to the beginnings of movement all over again. Sorry I ramble, I’ve not slept well.

I do already have my 28 week check at half 9 this morning, but even that seems way off just now! Any advice? Anything else I can do to get the baby to wake up and boot back?

Hope everyone else is well anyway xxx

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 6/08/2009

Thanks everyone! I am home from the midwife, she seems quite happy, baby has grown and is bang on for dates and her heartbeat is fine. Apparently baba was just hiding from me yesterday 😦

I thought I’d come out of the appointment all relieved and happy, and don’t get me wrong I am delighted to have heard the heartbeat and to know that all is actually fine! but I dunno I guess I’d have liked some kind of explanation further than ‘I’m not concerned’ – like if she could’ve felt that the baby was turned with her back facing out, or whether it was a growth spurt, or just made something up to make me feel better. I still feel a bit lost at sea with the whole thing, thank god for yuo ladies!

And because I had got my knickers in a knot about movement I forgot to ask about Strep B testing, or get my Hip grant form signed, or ask any of the other questions I had meant to ask. Oh well I have another appointment in 3 weeks time, will have to try and remember and not have more drama between now and then!

Right I’m off to try the chocolate tip, see if I can get this baba bouncing! She seems oblivious to my prods and pokes, and well any excuse for chocolate!!!

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

anyone else packed and ready?

August 1, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 1/8/09

My hospital bag is now officially packed and ready to go, and Violet’s stuff is all at the bottom of the stairs ready if she has to be shipped off at short notice too.

I know that sounds really over eager, but I’m 27+4 now and I went in at 32 weeks last time and I’ve been in day assesment twice in the last fortnight with niggles, once overnight! Such things focus the mind a bit!tho with my total lack of brain right now I’m sure I’ve forgotten some rather vital things, more than likely!

So anyone else packed??

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 1/08/2009

I’m only this organised cos I had nothing at all when I was taken into hospital last time. Didn’t even have my phone or change to call someone and ask for stuff! I dread it happening again!

lists are good!! I could’ve made my life a lot easier by starting from a list, I’ve been really haphazard about it! I may go find a list and then check stuff off it…..Sure I probably wont need the bag for so long this time I’ll have forgotten whats in it anyway!

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 1/08/2009

Now see after last time I’d kinda recommend letting your hubby go and get stuff from Mothercare 🙂 my DH got sent last time and he had no clue what to buy he just got the most expensive (Lansinoh) breast pads and nipple cream, which were lovely! and spent much more on babyclothes than I would’ve done cos he was so scared of getting it wrong! Dear of him! Think he liked doing the dad thing too; I may have to ‘forget’ some bits again

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Waaaah! I have become my mother in law!!!

pixiejo · you!

Posted 31/7/09

So I’ve been awake since half 4, after an hour of lying in bed I got up and put some washing on, did last nights washing up, swept the kitchen and was about to get the iron out…’s only just 7AM now!!! I have stopped. I have a cup of tea and I’m on here instead.

All I can hear is my MIL saying how she likes to get up early and get all the housework done before everyone else wakes up, she gets up at 6 every morning so she can clean up…if I wake up early tomorrow morning I’m going to have a bath or something instead! No housework before daylight!!

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Swollen ankles, anyone else?

pixiejo · you!

Posted 26/7/09

My ankles have got all swollen! I knew it would happen eventually but boo 😦

Anyone else?

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Day assessment at night is really creepy!!

pixiejo · you!

Posted 25/7/09

Sorry I’ve not really been on here for ages, I hope everyone is keeping well and I haven’t missed too much!

I’m rapidly turning into a neurotic heap! My DD was born by section at 32 weeks cos of pre-eclampsia last time (and I’m 26+3 and that’s getting close now!) The only symptom I had had was a blinding headache that woke me up at 5, and then not being able to keep paracetamol down, she was born the next day. So last night when I woke up with a blinding headache at midnight, I woke my poor hubby up all in a panic it was happening again! So I ended up being taken into the day assessment ward, just me and my hubby at 1am, and at that time of day it’s really, really dark and creepy in there!! LUckily my little sister was still here so we didn’t have to get DD up too, don’t know how I’m going to cope now she’s gone home to Wales 😦

Blood pressure was quite high when I got there but nowhere near as high as it got last time, when the bottom number had went way over 100. And it has come down again this morning, not as low as it was at my last appointment, but better. So they think it was just a headache, so I feel a bit of a twonk now panicking everyone, but it was really bloody scary in the middle of the night!

then when we got home DD was wide awake, everyone else disappeared off to sleep and I lay down on her floor where she could see me and woke up 4 hours later. I hurt today, floor was not comfy! Headache free tho 🙂

Anyway thought I’d share! Anyone got any tips for keeping blood pressure down? Hope everyone else is keeping well x

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 25/07/2009

Bless you ladies, big hugs to you!!!

I think it’s all cos I’ve not had chance to be on here, it’s withdrawal headaches 😉 Just had loads of family round this week, hopefully back to vague normality now!

Baby is just dandy, they wanted to do a proper CTG trace and she objected mightily to the monitor thing cos we had to press it in so hard to keep track of her!! Poor little mite! She kept booting at it, it was hard to maintain the same level of worry with that going on, think it’s the hardest and most continuous kicks I’ve had so far, making my whole belly wobble! 🙂

It’s been a lovely week tho, my little brother got married on tues and my best mate had her baby boy Stanley on wednesday, 8lb4, he’s gorgeous!! Just having a wobbly day today, headaches are the thing I dread! I think hypnotherapy and pampering are fab ideas, but for now I think snoozing to crap tv! at least it’s sunday tomorrow, OH isn’t working and there are no plans…yet….

Hope yuo’re well xxx

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to