
Posts Tagged ‘caesarean’


August 15, 2009 Leave a comment

Posted 15/8/09

Hi girls, Jo is being sectioned at 9am today. She’s been understandably upset overnight and the consultants offered to deliver her baby girl then but she’s held off to let the steroids take effect properly. She says that baby should weigh about 750g which is about 1.7lbs and that everything looks fine with bubs.

She thanks everyone for their kind thoughts and wants everyone to know that she really does appreciate it. She’s gutted about the fact that no matter how well things go this morning, she’ll still have to leave hospital without her baby again (like she had to with Violet).

Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly for her. (((hugs))) to Jo and her family! 

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to


August 14, 2009 Leave a comment

Posted 14/8/09

Hi girls, Jo, (pixiejo) has messaged me asking to update you all on her…. she has been in all night, has had a scan. Baby is measuring 25 weeks and Jo is 29 weeks just now. The blood flow is looking good so Jo has been told that they will section her tomorrow at the latest. She is absolutely gutted and is missing all the support from everyone on here…

Please join me in sending all your love and best wishes right now to Jo.



(edited from original post to remove other peoples details)
originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

anyone else have a quiet baby?

August 13, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 13/8/09

Ah insomnia! How I hate half 5 in the morning! Suppose I should get used to it tho

Hope everyone else is well, and ideally not awake yet too! Just wondering really whether anybody else out there has a quiet baby? I’ve spent the last week or so (probly longer!) fretting and worrying cos baba has got all quiet only for my midwife to be totally unconcerned. She rhymed off a load of reasons of why it could be without actually making me feel any better about it, like baby facing the wrong way and comfy/running out of room/having a growth spurt. I am still getting 10 movements a day, but there are much more pushes and stretches and little scratchy feelings with the occasional poke here and there sort of round the edges of my bump. I miss the belly wobbling kicks I thought by 29 weeks I’d be being assaulted from inside!

I did have a section last time and still can’t feel a wide strip across the outside of my belly, would that make a difference on the inside too?

Think I may just go and buy a doppler, hanging around waiting for baby to kick is starting to do my head in!

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

anyone else packed and ready?

August 1, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 1/8/09

My hospital bag is now officially packed and ready to go, and Violet’s stuff is all at the bottom of the stairs ready if she has to be shipped off at short notice too.

I know that sounds really over eager, but I’m 27+4 now and I went in at 32 weeks last time and I’ve been in day assesment twice in the last fortnight with niggles, once overnight! Such things focus the mind a bit!tho with my total lack of brain right now I’m sure I’ve forgotten some rather vital things, more than likely!

So anyone else packed??

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 1/08/2009

I’m only this organised cos I had nothing at all when I was taken into hospital last time. Didn’t even have my phone or change to call someone and ask for stuff! I dread it happening again!

lists are good!! I could’ve made my life a lot easier by starting from a list, I’ve been really haphazard about it! I may go find a list and then check stuff off it…..Sure I probably wont need the bag for so long this time I’ll have forgotten whats in it anyway!

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 1/08/2009

Now see after last time I’d kinda recommend letting your hubby go and get stuff from Mothercare 🙂 my DH got sent last time and he had no clue what to buy he just got the most expensive (Lansinoh) breast pads and nipple cream, which were lovely! and spent much more on babyclothes than I would’ve done cos he was so scared of getting it wrong! Dear of him! Think he liked doing the dad thing too; I may have to ‘forget’ some bits again

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

2nd consultant appointment down

pixiejo · you!

Posted 24/6/09

Hiya all,

2nd appointment down and I’ve come out of it really bleugh. I had the registrar rather than my consultant or the bloke I saw last time who was lovely, and while he is the man who delivered my beautiful Violet I hope I don’t see him again! He managed to give me exactly the same stats as the bloke I saw last time but in a really negative way which is sorta sh*te. The guy I saw last time was really happy for me to try for a normal natural birth and he said that the statistics were in my favour, I have a 70/80% chance, he even said he’d be happy to induce me as the risk is only 2%. The guy I saw today just kept going on about uterine rupture and how there’s a 1 in 200 chance of it happening, and how that risk increases if yuo’re induced. Gotta be honest I’m not a betting woman, but I’d not put money on something that only had a 1 in 200 chance of happeneing, would you?!?

I suppose it’d be a fair assumption that seeing as he did my last c-section that he’d be more up for doing it again, cos that what he does? Who knows! Also the last fella I saw said I’d see a consultant at 28 weeks, but this guy hasn’t booked me back in until I’m 32 weeks along, 10 weeks time…..I am so confused! I do get another scan at 30 weeks to see how bubba is growing tho, so not all bad 🙂  But like, the consultant today said to give this bit of paper to Andrea (I have no clue who Andrea is, even now!!) to arrange the scan, so I accost a random passing member of staff, who immediately drags me into another waiting room to try and get the scan done today, on the basis that there’s ‘no time like the present’…well apart from the 10 weeks to soon part, I suppose not.

Amazing how the same statistics can sounds really positive from one person and awfully negative from another. Sorry for the essay! Hope yuo’re all well! x

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 24/06/2009

Indeed! Glad you managed to get appointments with yuor consultant, maybe it’s just these registrar folkses that like to bum us out? Now I have an image of them getting toegther and plotting how they can spin stuff negatively…..

I’m trying to look at it that it was my local (non-maternity) hospital I saw this guy at today, so therefore he’s not always at the maternity ward, so I’d have to really fairly unlucky to get him in my labour again right?!?! haha! I’m off to try that microwave mug cake from the current cravings thread, that’ll make it all better! 🙂

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Seen the consultant!

pixiejo · you!

Posted 20/5/09

Hi all, hope everyone is well!

Got to see my consultant today and he was lovely! GOt lots of numbers chucked at me, I’ve double the chance of getting pre-eclampsia again as I did first time, but that’s still only 30% chance, which is better than I thought. And even if I do get it again it’s likely not to be as bad as it was last time 🙂 And he’s right behind me having a natural birth, says I’ve a good chance of doing it all normally which is fab! I was worried I’d have to have another section, but all being well I wont have to! Hooray!

I will have a ridiculous amount of appointments though, I’ll be seen every fortnight til 28 weeks then once a week til 40! I’m really glad my midwife and consultant seem really nice or that could be a total nightmare! And I guess by the time this little one arrives I’m going to be really good at aiming for those teeny tiny pee bottles. Only a 5minute appointment too I was expecting it to take ages!

Midwife tomorrow for 16 week too, fingers crossed we’ll get to hear the heartbeat!!

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 20/05/2009

I’m glad it’s not just me that has trouble with the tiny bottles! Aren’t they awful? Clearly designed by a bloke 🙂 A funnel sounds like a really good idea, I may have to go buy one specially if I’m going to have to do it this often! Cracking idea! Sro, after the hassle some other ladies have had with appointments it’s a shame I can’t lend some of em out! I know I had to fight really hard to get booked in and stuff. Gone from feeling ignored to practically living in the drs!!

HI Laura hon, I had to see them this early to discuss my ‘plan of care’ after all the drama with my DD, I was meant to se them at 15 weeks, but sort of accidentally skipped that with all the date changing, I’m 17 weeks today. They only said about the actual birth bit cos I asked them, my next appointment with them is at 22weeks, which I think is when they were going to talk about it more…but I’m not sure tbh. You should check with your midwife, just to be sure tho, maybe just saying to her what you wanna do will be enough? Hope you get the birth you want either way! xxx

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Jo x

Consultant appointmants

pixiejo · you!

Posted 18/5/09

Hi ladies,

I know a few of you also have to see your consultant around now and I was wondering what sort of thing goes on at the appointment? Mainly cos it doesn’t look like my DH is going to make it cos of work, boo 😦

I had a fab pregnancy with my DD until 32 weeks when I was diagnosed with serisou pre-eclampsia and my kidneys failed, so she was delivered the next day by emergency section. So I know they have a variety of things they’ll want to talk to me about! Now I feel like a naughty schoolgirl for even contemplating doing it all again, even though I discussed it with my Dr beforehand….So will they be disapproving? No that’s silly, they can;t be can they?? Wah!!

Right so what I wanna know from you other ladies that’ve had consultants apps, is it a long appointment? Like more than half an hour long? Do they do any tests or anything while you’re there, like internals or even having a look at my scar or whatnot? (mainly cos if my DH can’t come I may ask another family member and I’d like to preserve a little dignity if poss!) What sorta things do they talk about, is it here that I have to decide what sort of birth I want, will I get chance to change my mind afterwards?? Aaah so many questions!!! Help anyone please!!!

TIA xxx

Jo x

pixiejo · you!
Updated 18/05/2009


Thanks ladies! So I really am getting me knickers in a twist for nothing then? 🙂 Well that’s good I suppose!!

thanks Baby Maddie! I thought an extra sneaky scan would be a bit much to hope for, but you never know!! 🙂 From what my Dr said when I asked him about having another baby this’ll be the appointment when they go over my notes and decide whether I need any aspirin to keep my blood pressure from spiking again. It’s good to know what to expect though, understandably there’s lots of info about normal midwife ppointments and nothing about consultants and stuff! Anyway, I’ll let you know if they do anything outlandish!

Thanks very much both of you xxx

Jo x

originally posted on babycentre community board; x-posted to

Had my booking in!

April 17, 2009 Leave a comment

pixiejo · you!

Posted 17/4/09

Finally got my booking in yesterday! And I meant to post about it but I keep getting distracted replying to other posts….

It was fab! Even that she couldn’t find my vein didn’t change that it was fab! And she didn’t have a go about my weight, cos I said I’d got my Davina DVD, she even said I should take it easy!! I think I may like this midwife 😀

She’s booked me into see a consultant and apparently I’ll get double the amount of appointments I got first time round, which is a bit daunting :S It sounds like I wont get much option in terms of where and how this LO eneters the world, but as long as they do, right now, I care not!! Just got to get through the scan and know that teeny is comfy in there and then hopefully I can chill and enjoy as much as the consultant will let me haha!

I hope those of you lovely lot who are still waiting for your appointments get them soon and they are as good as mine was 🙂

Jo x

Updated 17/04/2009

Oh good, I’m glad it all went well. Makes such a difference when you have a nice MW. When’s your next one?

S xxx

Updated 17/04/2009

Hi hon!

I am super chuffed she’s so nice, I never saw the same midwife twice last time til I got into hospital!  I wont see her again til 15 weeks all being well, but I’ll have the scan and see a consultant between now and then. I’m assuming all the appointments she was threatening me with start at 20 weeks or so…I guess its unlikely it’d all get dramatic this early on. 🙂

Does having twins mean you’ll get more appointments?? x

Jo x

Updated 17/04/2009

Hi Jo,

glad to hear you’ve got a nice midwife and the appt went well!

‘It sounds like I wont get much option in terms of where and how this LO eneters the world’ – is there a particular reason for that? I’m just trying to get myself geared up to be more assertive about things, as I’ve been warned everyone tries to bully you! Hope you get to have your perfect birth (with lots of chilling between now and then).


pixiejo · you!
Updated 17/04/2009

Ooh good on you getting all assertive! I’m also going to try and be this time, tho it was friends and family I had trouble with last time not Medical staff! They will listen to me this time or no baby cuddles for them!!! 😀

You’re right I suppose I shouldn’t write off all my birth options yet! It’s not a case of bullying though, 🙂 my DD was born by emergency section at 32 weeks cos of preeclampsia, so many of the decisions this time will be informed by that and what the consultant says. I guess it’ll mainly be wait and see, same as everyone else I guess!!! 😀

Hope you’re well hon x

Jo x
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